
The Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste of La Broquerie Inc. was established in 1893 for the purpose of celebrating and spreading "joie de vivre" in our community. It was and remains an opportunity to celebrate French Canadian culture through music, various activities and, of course, food!

The first edition of la Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste was celebrated in La Broquerie in 1897 with a special mass, games and a picnic all held on one day. According to our ancestors, the celebration was put on hold during World War I for a few years.

The first Parade was held back in 1940 and still follows that same run to this day. Through the years, the event has evolved from a family celebration into a community event that is held over the weekend to celebrate the French Canadian heritage with over 1 500 people in attendance. There is something for everyone, from kids\' games, French cuisine to local artists.

Click on the photo below to view a booklet highlighting
the history of 120 years of "La Saint-Jean" in La Broquerie!

Board members and organizing committee

  • Claude Moquin - President/Treasurer (204) 371-5664
  • Carole Gagnon - VP
  • Camille Brémault - Secretary
  • Henri Turenne – Councillor and baseball contact  (204) 370-5636
  • Rita Carrière
  • Alex Gagnon
  • Richard Taillefer

We are always in need of volunteers during the Fête, please contact Camille at ssjblabroquerie@gmail.com to find out how you can help!

Thank you to our Sponsors

Emma Boulanger
Canaccord Genuity
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries
Tetrault Transport
Tetrault Wealth Management
La Broquerie Transfer
Brio Insurance
Manitoba Government
T&T Properties
Le Comité Culturel de La Broquerie
Chevalier de Colomb
Le Depanneur
Valley Fiber
La Liberte
RM of La Broquerie
Clearview Coop
La Broquerie Hotel
St Labre 200
La Broquerie Pharmacy
One Call Logistics
Bureau Avocat Simard
Golf View Electric
Steinbach Precision Enterprises
La Broquerie Golf Estates
Metalmaster Autobody
Radio Canada
Patrimoine Canada
Elite Designs
Funks Toyota
Société de la francophonie manitobaine
Caisse Groupe Financier
La Broquerie Rona
Townline Excavating
Envol 91



8:30AM to 10:30AM Free pancake breakfast



9:00AM to 1:00PM Farm & Community Market
9:00AM to 6:00PM Baseball tournament
9:00AM to 5:00PM Kids Activities
9:00AM to 6:00PM Beer gardens and Canteen
10:00AM to 10:45AM Musical Performance by Julie Fillion
11:00AM to 11:45AM Musical Performance by TiBert et Douzie
Chalet en musique - Free musical performances at Le Chalet de La Broquerie
1:30PM Nic Messner
2:30PM Freynet
8:30PM to 1:00AM Social evening at Habs Bar with Ya Ketchose

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2024

10:00AM Mass at Saint-Joachim Parish



11:30AM Parade

Activities at the St-Jean-Baptiste grounds and Hylife Centre (free)

12:30PM to 5:00PM Dexter's Mini Donuts & Canteen
12:30PM to 4:30PM Inflatable Games, Face Painting, Petting Zoo
1:30PM to 3:00PM Mago le magicien
2:00PM to 4:00PM Family baseball tournament

Main Stage Entertainment

1:30PM TiBert et Douzie
2:30PM Gérald St-Laurent
3:30PM Les Barn Boys

 Donation Drive

Thank you to our Sponsors

Metalmaster Autobody
Valley Fiber
Manitoba Government
RM of La Broquerie
One Call Logistics
Le Comité Culturel de La Broquerie
Radio Canada
La Liberte
Brio Insurance
Tetrault Wealth Management
La Broquerie Transfer
La Broquerie Hotel
Chevalier de Colomb
La Broquerie Rona
Canaccord Genuity
Le Depanneur
Bureau Avocat Simard
Elite Designs
St Labre 200
Patrimoine Canada
Société de la francophonie manitobaine
Steinbach Precision Enterprises
Clearview Coop
T&T Properties
Townline Excavating
Golf View Electric
Caisse Groupe Financier
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries
Envol 91
Tetrault Transport
La Broquerie Golf Estates
Funks Toyota
La Broquerie Pharmacy
Emma Boulanger

Baseball 2024

Saturday, June 24th – CO-ED SLO-PITCH Tournament

 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. - (Co-Ed = 6 males & 4 females)

Sunday, June 25th – Family baseball tournament

2 p.m. – 4 p.m. - No registration fee

For more information, please contact Claude Moquin (204) 371-5664

Thank you to our Sponsors

Le Comité Culturel de La Broquerie
Steinbach Precision Enterprises
Bureau Avocat Simard
St Labre 200
Tetrault Transport
Clearview Coop
Le Depanneur
Golf View Electric
Metalmaster Autobody
Radio Canada
Brio Insurance
One Call Logistics
La Broquerie Pharmacy
Caisse Groupe Financier
La Broquerie Hotel
Manitoba Government
La Broquerie Golf Estates
Townline Excavating
Canaccord Genuity
La Broquerie Transfer
Elite Designs
Chevalier de Colomb
Envol 91
La Broquerie Rona
T&T Properties
RM of La Broquerie
Funks Toyota
La Liberte
Emma Boulanger
Patrimoine Canada
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries
Société de la francophonie manitobaine
Tetrault Wealth Management
Valley Fiber

Photo Gallery

Thank you to our Sponsors

Clearview Coop
Caisse Groupe Financier
RM of La Broquerie
La Liberte
Golf View Electric
Bureau Avocat Simard
Le Depanneur
Brio Insurance
Townline Excavating
Steinbach Precision Enterprises
Canaccord Genuity
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries
Manitoba Government
St Labre 200
Chevalier de Colomb
La Broquerie Transfer
La Broquerie Rona
La Broquerie Golf Estates
Funks Toyota
Tetrault Wealth Management
Société de la francophonie manitobaine
Radio Canada
Valley Fiber
One Call Logistics
T&T Properties
Elite Designs
Emma Boulanger
Patrimoine Canada
La Broquerie Hotel
La Broquerie Pharmacy
Le Comité Culturel de La Broquerie
Envol 91
Tetrault Transport
Metalmaster Autobody

Contact Us